
Here are our current projects:

Efficacy of Lead Remediation in Lancaster Homes and the Effect on Cognitive Development


  1. To measure how many years that a home stays safe after being remediated

  2. Measuring the impact of lead remediation on children's brain development

We are asking how many years does a home stay safe after being remediated? Additionally, we ask how renovations to the home to improve lead conditions enhance cognitive development in children. Our questions are important because past research shows lead remediation is effective up to 6 years, yet little is known about its success in a longer time frame. We also know that children who have higher levels of lead in their blood face challenges in their academic and emotional development.

We are collaborating with the City of Lancaster, Partnership for Public Health, and PLI to perform lead tests in homes and monitor lead levels. In addition, we will be sending out postcards to recruit and enroll children to participate in two activities that measure their development. We plan on working with faith-based organizations to increase linguistic accessibility for various populations in Lancaster.

This research will help the entire Lancaster community by improving public health and preventing lead exposure. Many homes with lead are disproportionately inhabited by lower income and minority residents. Our research is crucial to reducing economic inequality for marginalized populations. We aspire for a lead-free future in Lancaster by collaborating with community members and organizations to advocate for policies that address our concerns with lead.

Why are these projects important?

  • Over 500,000 children under the age of 6 have an unsafe level of lead in their blood.

  • Lead poisoning symptoms are not always obvious but they can have a very negative effect on children and their brain development. Symptoms can include the lack of ability to pay attention, aggressive behavior, and more.

  • Unfortunately, in Lancaster, not many people are aware of the negative effects of lead poisoning which only increases the number of people who have lead poisoning.

  • Our project will help people find out if re-remediation is needed after a few years. It will prevent future lead exposure in homes with new residents.